XR Friend R
2nd Playable Version

VR Play       AR Play

2nd playable version imports scenes from the Pose Simulator.

Here are some specifics about the 2nd playable version.

  1. In AR mode, custom events will retain their position in the real world in your next play. This is a huge breakthrough in AR mode.
  2. It cannot load from the body share because body share only has poses. It lacks reaction data.
  3. I’ve excluded voice support in this version. I’ll include it in the final version.

Looks like most of the initial plans are covered now. The next step is stabilizing and adding more assets. I’ll start sale after it becomes more stable.


(new) This video shows how to load scenes from Pose Simulator.


This video shows how to create custom events.


New Gameplay Using Controller


New Gameplay Using Hand Tracking and Voice

You can use voice commands if you active the AI Voice on the start screen.


As you can see, you can do a lot of things without opening the menu. It’s quite advanced compared to the previous VR Hand Revolution games.


Here are some thoughts

  1. This game will have a single character and several selectable backgrounds.
  2. (discarded) I’ll convert most of the existing sex positions to this game.
  3. Most important, you can place sex positions where you want them to be. Especially meaningful for AR mode.
  4. In AR mode, the character will retain its position in the real world.
  5. Also important, sex positions made in Pose Simulator will be loaded in this game.
  6. Sound-sets will be selectable like the Pose Simulator because there are people who hate Japanese voices.

Importing sex positions from pose simulators is meaningful because: 1) it will be easier to play this game than Pose Simulator  2) this game will have better AR support.

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14 days ago

Im having some problems in AR mode. If I scan the room, the model is any where from ankle to thigh deep in the floor. If I clear the room set up and just set the floor lvl, I can see all of her but most of her is below the floor lvl and I cant get her up so her feet match the floor lvl. I noticed in the dance pack, with the models feet intercepting their shadows, they too are “through the floor”. When i shift them up to the correct height their shadows sink downwards to the same amount as i raise them. Would it be possible to attach the shadows to the models and have them corresponding to the model?
many thanks .

13 days ago

Thank you for the Quick reply. I will leave the PTC for now and wait for the update, yes i was using the room scan but have turned it off, it often causes problems with other apps too. I look forward to the next up date from you and purchasing.

Turd Furgeson
23 days ago

Appreciate all you’re doing, looking forward to the full version

28 days ago

I’d happily put cash down now for the preorder but I dont see it in the store yet, maybe I’m looking in the wrong place lol

zak Rudy
1 month ago

looks great will miss the other characters

28 days ago
Reply to  zak Rudy

yeah, Fay is my favorite, and i think the neve model is not as good

1 month ago

Excellent start! This should shape up to be your best game yet, especially if it fully integrates with Pose Simulator. I am excited to see what you can do, and happy to comment as it progresses! A must-buy!