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Sean Michael
3 days ago

Hello i am still not able to access anything right now this is so tireing please i need help.

Flameian warlord24
1 month ago

am i missing something?? its still the demo for me

Water bottle
6 months ago

Bro you should add a farting feature, if it is doable

Chris Grobler
1 year ago

Liked the dancing on the trial…but then no dancing on the purchased version?

Brayden Gagliano
1 year ago


2 years ago

Gorgeous! I vote for adding two more.

2 years ago

Everything looks great! Thank you for your time!

2 years ago

Wondering if its possible to add cosmetic backgrounds? Bree has the clouds in background when you disable the plane. So thinking something like that or maybe like a cosmos/galaxy? Or even a color wheel for it.

2 years ago

ok. your probably gonna hate me for this lol but how hard would it be to have ( lets say Aida standing version2) in pass through mode?( AR) or the dancing girls? in your room with you? . How cool would that be I dont even know if it is possible with webxr ,just thought I’d ask

2 years ago

I would have to agree that the full colour pass through would be fun and would bring a whole new depth to the experience but I personally would still enjoy the experience even in black and white. I would have to agree that most wouldn’t and probably wouldn’t be worth exploring . What triggered my question was that I have just tried out the new room mapping ability and the very brief app” The world beyond”. However that kind of simulation would be stepping into a whole new realm of hurt,sweat and tears for developers I’m sure.

2 years ago

Great job on the pubic hair!

2 years ago

Are you going to upgrade the hand tracking with the new oculus hand tracking 2.0 update in the future?

2 years ago

My oculus just updated to the new hand tracking system, there is a noticble improvement in the in game hand tracking

2 years ago

I’ve just seen the new animations. Amazing work, ! I cant wait to see what the Dev comes up with next!
I noticed the comment about turning a girl into an alien…..my apologies if that ruffled any feathers. I had a bit of David Bowie running through my head, ” loving the alien”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bryghtblade
2 years ago
Reply to  Bryghtblade

I look forward to adding it to my collection .I can’t remember if I ask’d if it was possible to use the other girls (Jana, Faye etc) in the version 2 standing girl series( Aida) by keeping the animations and postures the same but just swopping out the image files. I know that many people would have a favorite girl and if each girl had her own version 2 makeover and offered as a separate package that might generate more sales for you. It would be only worth it of course if the work could be completed easily. Just an idea.
By the way I havn’t seen any problems with the cut and paste job on the lower pubic hair that you said might occur, seems to be spot on!

Last edited 2 years ago by Bryghtblade
Uncool Person21
2 years ago

I’m really enjoying the collection so far, but I got some questions.

Question 1: Are the 2 final f/f animations the last animations for the collection or are there going to be more of different pairings?

Question 2: Building off of question 1, if the next 2 animations are the last ones will more be in the possible part 2 and will the second part have to be purchased separately or will it just be included with the purchase of this game?

Question 3: When, if at all, do you think you’ll add the different viewpoints that you’ve done in other games?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to whatever you do in the future. 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by Uncool Person21
2 years ago

I’m really impressed withe new iteration of the graphics and game play. However I have found two problems and I have one suggestion.
Problem 1/ If you decrease the height of the model (I really like this feature) in the animated postions, in particular the table, the model sinks into the table and the dildo is now in the area of the models belly.The problem is also there in the kneeling position but not so apparent.
Problem 2/ If your using a browser which dosn’t support hand tracking , then hand tracking dosn’t work in the game either. Is there a way to force/switch on hand tracking in game?

Suggestion/ How about a choice of pupic hair? maybe on/off, various trimmed shapes, full bush etc?
oh and I’ve had a second idea, how about being able to “pull” clothes off the model when in hand tracking mode?

Last edited 2 years ago by Bryghtblade
2 years ago

Thanks for the reply.I had no idea how the measuring( height) system worked, I assumed it was a straight forward from floor to top of head measurement, I was wondering if a system that measured from a centre point of the hips down to the floor and up to the head was a viable solution with the lower value(hips to floor) being adjusted when the table is in use, I really like the table by the way lol.
Firefox reality has been discontinued by Mozilla but was taken over by another company and rebranded as Wolvic. Its actually not too bad at all and my preferred browser, but for your excellent content I’ll happily continue to use the oculus native browser.
I will look forward to the addition of the pubic hair and clothing removal, I’m sure there are other players out there who find the need to pull up the menu to remove a piece of clothing frustrating/ annoying mid game as it breaks up the flow of the game and immersive experience. Being able to pull clothing off with the “other” hand would be in my opinion, a major enhancement of the immersive experience and make it feel more “real” lol.
One last thing, are there any plans to turn this game into a purchasable downloadable game in the future, maybe with in app purchases for DLC? I for one would certainly purchase it!

Last edited 2 years ago by Bryghtblade
2 years ago

Yep the table fix works perfectly, it is however, now missing in the “positions” section and wont appear when switched on/ off.
Also the grab and move for the menu in hand tracking has also vanished.I did find that using the double hand to activate it , it would appear where I held my hands which worked just aswell.
I hope Im not being a nuisence . Tell me to shut up and leave you alone if I am annoying you, I wont be offended .But its nice to meet a Dev so invested in their product and clientele❤️

Last edited 2 years ago by Bryghtblade
2 years ago

Sorry, me again,
I had a thought, if the table was now part of the clothing menu, does it scale to match the body dimensions?…..It does, which means Janas dildo does not match up with Aida’s body position and is still in Aidas belly button area.
Sorry to create more work for you but I thought you’d want to know.
Is it possible to either have the table automatically rise/lower in relation to the percentage that Aidas height is adjusted or lock the table surface height in relation to the dildo height,and then Aidas position to the table surface?

Oh a question, who is the artist who performs the song “I’m happy” in the dances, I’ve spent some time trying to find it on the internet lol with no luck.

Are there any plans to make Jana, Faye etc “Standing Girls” too?

2 years ago

Thanks for you reply, I think that a discussion in another thread would be good, it would stop the clutter in this one. I think what i mean has to do with scaling and not height so much in a relative way. I will try to explain in the other thread. As to the new “standing girls” I was meaning using the other girls from the free four dance games as new standing girls, but your idea for the new hand revolution games sounds fantastic.Cant’ wait to see how that comes out.
I too believe that your work will” explode” and become a succesful company and hopefully not too far in the future!
oh and I found a fault in the dance girls that is in all four, you can alter the girls parameters but as soon as the dancing starts they revert to the original sizes etc.
Forgot to say thankyou for the Youtube link, that was kind of you, Im suprisedsucha pleasant sog didnt make it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bryghtblade
2 years ago

like the first animation! can we have an option to swap the dildo for a penis in the menu?

2 years ago

Any options for anal play?

2 years ago
2 years ago

must have been hard. great job though. came out great

2 years ago
2 years ago