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2 years ago

I gotta say, you did a great job with the butt sliders! Thanks for that! I’m noticing now though that if I make the butt bigger, there’s an artifact in the butt crack that wasn’t there a couple months ago, maybe due to the asshole update? I took a screenshot with as little change from the default as possible, and it appears mostly with the butt depth slider.

2 years ago

The butt model is invisible. Help?

2 years ago

Its just not there at all when the game loads. Doesn’t seem to be a problem with games that don’t have the slider yet

Jeremiah Toucet
2 years ago


Iyub Rahman
2 years ago


2 years ago

I like the feature on Jana’s that allows you to disable the office objects and skyline. Makes more fun to customize everything. Wondering if its possible to do others like that as well?

Eli Sikes
2 years ago


Carlos Calle
2 years ago

On my quest 2 I get this stuttering just for Jana’s body and only when moving around.. Frame rate seems OK around 50fps and nothing else stutters, just the character only. I tried with different versions of oculus browser and resolutions etc.. but same results. A great game but this issue kind of interfere with the experience. Any fix for it?

2 years ago

Will you do another hand revolution for season 2 ?

2 years ago

Good luck for your future projects!

2 years ago

Can we remove the clothes without going to the menu?

2 years ago

If you can do that that would be okay. What you have already done is awesome.

2 years ago

I understand the problem.