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5 days ago

I’m sure you’re aware that VR Hot is one of your main competitors. I’ve been using that more lately, mostly because of the character customizations that are available, and the graphics quality on PCVR. I find it fun to create my own characters exactly to my liking. They have managed to create an interface similar to the character creation in games like Skyrim, with sliders and customizable features right down to lip fullness and chin depth. I’m sure that would be a ton of work for you, but it might end up being better than the 3d scanning and fixing.

The sex mechanics on VR hot are garbage, though. They seem to be focused on “realistic” physics and character behavior, rather than just making it enjoyable for the user. You spend way too much time just trying to get the stupid avatar penis into the right position, and the character poses are not adjustable to any real degree. Any real improvement would require $600 in trackers, and still be more frustrating than Pose Simulator.

That’s where you have a huge advantage. The addition of AI prompts takes it to a whole new level of immersion, allowing me to provide enough background to play out specific scenarios that actually feel almost like talking to a real person (like my hot new neighbor). I figured out how to get the AI bot to be horny but a little more subtle about it at first, and give her some personality, and it’s awesome. If I could easily give that character a command to get into a specific position, and then adjust it myself if needed, I would probably quit VR Hot altogether. VR Hot doesn’t give you the AI prompt option, so you’re just guessing at what the AI bot will say, and it’s underwhelming at best, mostly acting like an annoying college student without any real personality. The only positive is that their AI has a realistic sounding voice, somehow.

It would also be awesome if the AI character would stop narrating what they’re doing. I couldn’t figure out how to do that in my prompt. Narration has its advantages, but I think it takes away from the immersion a little bit. I enjoy the AI Aida saying she’s walking toward me biting her lip, but an animation of that would be way more intense. Again, I know that’s a ton of work. But I would be willing to commission any one of those things. Or maybe offer your AI expertise to VR Hot and get your money that way? Anyway, I feel like a real, immersive VR sex experience is so close, and all the elements are there. Somebody just has to figure out how to put them all together.

Another idea might be to take your existing games (like Faye in the elevator, for instance) and build in a voice chat that is limited to certain things that are “on-script.”

Stary Mango
5 days ago

This sounds like an attempt to steal people from purchasing your game. You should delete this. They just want your clients to know about the “better” option over yours.

12 days ago

Whenever I load a scene from the scene explorer, it only loads the postures, but not the looks (hair, clothing etc.) itself. Is this supposed to be like that?

Aiden Kross
1 month ago

What are you plans for the future of this game?

Stary Mango
1 month ago

I’m not sure if you live in the west or not, but as a Canadian, groceries cost 400 dollars a month for one person. Average rent is 1600 a month and minimum wage is 17.40. The average person working full time will only make 2000 dollars after taxes. Doesn’t leave room for a porn game. That’s why I recommend a cheaper more cost effective alternative. You buy models or create additions and lock them behind a pay wall. Even if you spend 20 dollars on a model and require 5 dollars for someone to unlock them, just 4 purchases means you broke even.

Last edited 1 month ago by Stary Mango
20 days ago
Reply to  Stary Mango

As a Canadian too, I totally agree with everything you said and was thinking the same thing.

1 month ago

maybe add Ahegao face option? and tounge out

E Z Wolf
7 days ago

can you tell us your plans for the new game? I’m intrested.

Mindya Ownbiz
1 month ago

Does anyone know if I can run this on the quest 3?

Robb Garza
1 month ago

what about upload a photo and map the face onto the model?

Stary Mango
1 month ago

Are you aware “Hentai VR” on Vrporn.com used Faye in one of their videos? Not sure If that causes copyright issues.

Stary Mango
1 month ago

Speaking of your new games. Will you continue the one time payment model or change to a subscription base either through the website or something else?

David L
2 months ago

any chance we be able to comment on peoples scenes in the future ? I wish i could compliment on peoples creations

Stary Mango
2 months ago
Reply to  David L

(I’m not an admin) That’s a great idea. Perhaps even a request board to those who are more talented.

Alty Man
2 months ago

i bought the full version but my left controller doesnt work ingame, nor does the AR mode work, im on quest 2, help pls

Stary Mango
3 months ago

Would a handjob mode be hard to add?

mies mies
3 months ago

I just purchased pose simulator and succubus. Love your content, hope there is more to cum. Actually, it could be lot of fun to have also male models in the game. it would enable bisex and cuckold scenarios.

mies mies
3 months ago

sounds good. One further comment / idea. I love your animation of cum dripping out of pussy in the succubus. In pose simulator this does not happen, it would be nice addition.

3 months ago

I forgot to add. Why not Steam? Your games are becoming popular. Also I agree with some dude that told you that pose simulator demo has way too much freedom. You should límit that demo to encourage people to buy the game. Just a friendly advice. Best of lucks

Stary Mango
3 months ago

Do you foresee a merge of both this one and r34?

3 months ago

Great game. One of the best out there. I also purchased season one bundle to help you out with money.
An idea for pose simulator to expand/complement the Hand fap tracking system. We should be able to activate reactions during posing design, when you actívate hand lifting. You can move the girl arround and with hand n feet fix feature she looks very real when you move her arround, wobbling her tits flexing her knees and arms. It would be great if we can actívate to close her eyes and mourn during that hand lifting movement. That Will help a lot to us wankers that we dont use hands, but external help, if you know what I mean. Anyway, you can still use Hand and lift her with the other. Also an autonomous head turn would expand the immersion.
Well just posting some ideas as you always ask to. Regards

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucas
3 months ago

I don’t think it’s been said often enough. This game is the by far the best sex sim Period. You did an awesome job and I just love it!

Bree is by far my favorite character. Any thought about adding some new characters?

Keep up the great work and take care of your health.

Pablo Diablo
4 months ago

Anyone else having issues with pose sim one? Scene loads then gos back to start of selection, loads again then site crashes???

Fucking Killian
4 months ago

Great game. Do you think we could have a car scene and some tattooed women added?

Ju B
4 months ago

Hello, Thank you for your game. You’re game is very funny and good ! ( spank it’s possible on pose Simulator one ? )

And i saw the previous messages. Take care of yourself . La vie est importante ♥

Last edited 4 months ago by Ju B
Stary Mango
4 months ago

If you heavily restrict the demos, you should be able to sell more versions of this game. I checked to see what the difference is between them and literally everything is available to the player aside from scene selection and character selection. Perhaps in the demo, take away the ability to take off/change cloths (atleast make it so bra and underwear cant come off), change color/alpha, eye contact, uploading/downloading, AI. Keep these behind a paywall. Maybe even join the R34 one into this one so the buyer doesn’t need to choose between the 2. For the demos, have these options grayed out with text saying “available in full game”.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stary Mango
Stary Mango
5 months ago

Ever thought about doing something about an animation editor in either this game or making an entirely new game with the same idea as this one with similar or the same characters and adding in an animation editor? On another note, I noticed succubus has another hair style in another one of your games. Any way you can add that in as an option here?

Stary Mango
5 months ago
Reply to  Stary Mango

Animation editor I mean being where we can make our own animations for the characters.

Stary Mango
5 months ago

Ai game?

4 months ago

Dont push it, your health is more important than a game. Take it easy, get better and THEN worry about the game

Stary Mango
5 months ago

I’m not sure where to give bug or missed feature reports so I’ll just post it here.

Color changes are currently unavailable for the following parts of the following characters.

Aida – earrings
Jana – earrings watch glasses hair elastic
Maya – lenses belt
Fancy Aida – nipples

All – tongues and teeth

As I play alot with color, the mentioned missed features are a bit of a hindrance.

Stary Mango
5 months ago

Thank you so much. If I notice anything else I’ll let you know.

Stary Mango
5 months ago

It appears the gums are their own thing as well.

6 months ago

cant play ar mode keeps saying, web activation failed. And none of my scenes will save?

5 months ago

Same issue on both quest 2 and 3, and yes i can play vr mode just not ar. However ar works on the vrporn version just not here. But cant seem to save private in either place. Also thank you for fast response.

5 months ago

This did infact fix the AR mode issue. Thank you

5 months ago

i didnt check the saving in prior message but it is also working now, everything is working as intended.

Wesley Durrant
6 months ago

where whuld i go about commissioning new characters?

7 months ago

Hello again, long time no see 🙂
I just got my hands on a Quest 3 and color passthrough is really nice. Mixed reality is all about immersion so I have 2 questions:

1. Is it possible to add post processing effects such as grain (or whatever can be added to simulate camera video quality)? It would be nice to match the 3D character with the image quality from the passthrough. I think it would feel more like it’s actually in the room.

2. On the same note, is it possible to set the light direction in order to cast the correct shadows? Would be nice if we could also change the light color (some people have warm lights, some people have RGB LEDs etc…). I managed to somehow simulate the light temperature/color by adjusting the color of each part (body, hair, etc…) but it’s not really a solution…

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

7 months ago

Maybe not post processing but any other trick that might bring it closer to the camera quality?

Thanks for taking it into consideration. I’ll make to leave a tip or get something else from the store.

7 months ago

It may work. Sorry for asking you for this. I thought adding grain and/or noise would be something easy but looks like it’s complicated :). Maybe lower resolution with anti-aliasing would make it slightly better?

7 months ago

Maybe you can keep it disabled by default in the advanced settings?

There is also the option of running the game in PC VR. There should be no issues with the memory speed there

Last edited 7 months ago by RandomDude
7 months ago

Makes sense. Thank you for your hard work!

Stary Mango
8 months ago

I cant for the life of me get the game to recognize my microphone on my quest 2. I’ve tried all of the trouble shooting recommended in the guide but still no luck. Any ideas? And while I’m here, would you mind adding the kissing when you get close to the face like you have In your other games?

Stary Mango
8 months ago

I found the issue. I ran a thorough test after leaving the comment and found that only the AR mode supports the ai conversation. The main game does not. I tried it on all characters and all sets with the same result each time.

7 months ago
Reply to  Stary Mango

same here. did mic test on that Website and it worked fine.

7 months ago
Reply to  Yunits

still no mic recognition unless in AR mode

Stary Mango
8 months ago

Would you be willing to add a generic male model without a head for added immersion? Doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just a Ken doll esk body that doesn’t have a weird negative boob look on the chest and doesn’t take your attention by force just by being clipped inside of it.

Alexander Russell
9 months ago

good email to reach dev bout sponsorship?

7 months ago

The second link doesn’t work anymore. Do you have an update url?

9 months ago

somethjng that occurred to me, if you ever were to add anything to pose simulstor again – it would be amazing if you could toggle for the girls to keep eye contact during reaction, similar to how they do when idle

9 months ago

wow no way, thank you!!

Stary Mango
9 months ago

Any thoughts of adding new characters or scenes? And what is this porn star game you mentioned?

10 months ago

Really great work with this. Since the pose simulator is fully implemented now, have you considered some keyframe animation for users? That way, you may not have to bend over backwards getting new animations created, as the community could make them. It would be a big UI project I’m sure, but creating custom animations and even scenes could be really cool, especially with the AI functions you’re working on.

RockhardVR Admin2
1 year ago

I am testing with the voice input in the comment.
If you’re using Quest Browser and having difficulty typing in texts, try the voice input button.

1 year ago

love the blowjobmode … sorry that you had a bad time making it but its great!-

1 year ago

not working with my controllers

1 year ago

ok it works. just have to figure out how to grab and make them pose

1 year ago

Been following your progress for a long time, since there were only a few standing girls. I recently came back with a new headset.. and omg this is amazing. I bought and spent literally hours in the pose stimulator- its like playing Barbies but xrated i love it omg.
The poses i made are pretty hot, im kinda proud lol it was a learning curve but so satisfying-
check them out under the nickname BiBunni.

If i could make a suggestion.. i know we can customise our hands but could female hands be an option one day?.
Im sure theres a few other girlies who would also like to see their pretty manicured fingers in VR reach out and grab some titties.
Not a big deal tho- but i cant wait to see your future projects. Im excited for it!

Last edited 1 year ago by BiBunni
Adam Beckman
1 year ago
Reply to  BiBunni

that was hott just readng what you wrote out. not even gonna lie about… i agree with her i too wanna see her manicured hands grab some titties.

1 year ago

How possible would it be to add a customizable male to this?

1 year ago

I understand that. Wasn’t looking for a guy version. Just full body character to pose with the girls. Thanks for all your work!

1 year ago

is there a r34 pose simulator cause i only have access to the main shop and not the full r34 games i was just wondering if it had all the same features

1 year ago

have you thought about adding Black widow?

Last edited 1 year ago by Shadow
Human Person
1 year ago

this is just a sugestion and ik it takes alot of work so its fine if it takes time or not used at all. but what if u added the option for dances. so u could havd one girl u banging and the other 2 dance next to u. again suggestion if not its fine u still doing amazing.

1 year ago

I still find the hand mode pretty choppy and working for about 5 seconds without “calculating…”.

Is it possible to add a mode where you have the same functionality but with the controller? This way you can strap the controller on your hand and have pretty accurate hand movements.

Last edited 1 year ago by RandomDude
1 year ago

Maybe you can bind the controller to the penis/dildo to move it while the girl is idle. As a second option, bind it to the girl to control her movement. Same mechanic but you move her instead of the penis/dildo.

I don’t know if this requires extra animations or functionality but maybe it’s some to take into consideration in the future, “no promises”

Last edited 1 year ago by RandomDude
1 year ago

Take your time! I’m sure it will work fine. As for dropping the controller, well, it depends on how you strap it. Easiest way is with a sock that goes through the controller ring and around your arm. Phone wrist holders can work nice too.

Now I wonder if the angle of the controller will matter in the game since you won’t hold it in a natural position…

1 year ago

Great change! I’ll make sure to leave a tip or buy something else from your store.

1 year ago

when you do pose then try doing action it resets to default pose. is it just me?

1 year ago

i think it was just a glitch, its all good now thank you though!

1 year ago

will you ever add outdoor theme by any chance?

1 year ago

maybe like a beach?

1 year ago

yes i appreciate it!

1 year ago


Nathan Doe
1 year ago

Will bj’s be an option?

1 year ago

luck has been wished!!

1 year ago

are you still adding arm and leg length adjustments?.

1 year ago

Please add blowjob poses like Faye in elevator. Awesome game btw!

1 year ago

was talking about boom size

1 year ago

need to be able to customize body, was disappointed when i couldnt edit body part sizes would like a new hip size customization option

1 year ago

Just a couple of other suggestions/wishes…I would love to see a full natural option for public hair. Also maybe in addition to the cum inide/outside options, have one that initiates an orgasm animation in the girl that can be triggered repeatedly. Finally, and this may be a limitation of the Quest hardware or my own lack of understanding, but it seems like even with adjustments to the threshold, the amount of hand movement needed to trigger an insertion is too great. I find it impossible to use the hand play mode. As I find the minimum speed in Auto to be too fast, I just end up using the “loop action” option. Anyway, not at all complaining-the game is fantastic. Just giving my two cents. Thanks so much for your efforts!

1 year ago

Speed is WAY better now!! Just awesome. And yeah, helpful suggestions for the hands. Thanks so much!

1 year ago

will you ever add chun-li?

1 year ago

Will it be possible in the future to pose the models when using hand tracking mode?

1 year ago

just a quick note, I’ve noticed that when “playing”, your main hand cant be used to interact with the model and when grabbing the models breast, part of her hair changes position ( on her head).

1 year ago

This is a fantastic piece of work with fantastic potential, in my opinion your best work yet!
I look forward to seeing how this progresses. In particular I love the pass through even in the hazey black and white quest 2, and when the quest 3 comes out I will be purchasing it and this game in AR in full colour and HD will be mind blowing.
May I suggest a slider to control how much the model moves on insertion, it seems to me a little excessive in some poses and I think being able to tune that would be a good feature to have,with what is already set up as the max and being able to turn it down to just a small “quiver” of pleasure.
I have noticed on the Faye model that the insertion seems too far down, closer to the anus than the vagina, on the other models I’ve tested it seems ok, maybe another slider could be added to control the penis/dildo position in relation to the (anal or vagnal) position chosen.

Again this is fantastic work!

Last edited 1 year ago by Bryghtblade
1 year ago
Reply to  Bryghtblade

I couldn’t agree more on the need for a movement level control. It’d definitely be nice to have slower, smaller movements available. Also, it would be great to have an option for both hands to be invisible- I find them obtrusive sometimes. Lastly, it would be just awesome if the models had a kissing action. But yes, it’s a top notch game and very grateful for all the work put in on it!

Last edited 1 year ago by Pimpinstein
1 year ago

day before yesterday the passthrough stopped working, it just shows a black background. Also, most of the time when i load a scene now the models disappear when i am looking at them or get close. If i look away they reappear in my Peripheral. i was also having an issue where it wouldnt let me take a screenshot when trying to upload a scene or character, but that seems to have worked itself out. I used a few of the other games to see if they had issues but the pose sim seemed to be the only one with issues. I opened Multibrush and Tribe, which both have passthrough modes and they worked fine. I am using a Quest 2. Sorry to post here but i am unsure if there is another place to report bugs. up until 2 days ago everything was working perfectly. Thanks for getting Succubus her clothes back!

Last edited 1 year ago by jarheem
1 year ago

yes i can record it. ive noticed to that things that are partly see through, such as hair, will show the passthrough image. so if i look at hair or something shiney and wave my hand around, i can see it in the reflections. i messed with the webXR setting in the settings menu and thats really when i remember this starting. the screenshot to save problem seems to be back as well. when it had started working last time i had the tracking in the options before you enter turned off, it was back on for this last failure though, maybe that info can help you figure out why it would be doing that.I I will try and record a video tonight of both issues. Let me know how or where I can send that to you.

1 year ago

Keen eye man, that was it! everything is back to normal. thought it was odd that with the Position tracker turned OFF, passthrough, screenshots and disappearing girls all worked (at the expense of getting seasick) .I started a couple games to make sure but i can pretty much confirm that the antialiasing was causing that 3rd problem too, at least for me, but if i see it or any other issues in the future I”ll get a video. Two questions: if playing a scene and using 3 of the same girl, is it possible to change Attributes on one without it affecting the other models? And, what other models do you plan on adding later on?…. i lied, ive got 3 questions…what do we need to do to get new models and where do you usually get your models from? Thanks for finding that bug so quickly and fixing it. And finally, i think the reaction slider the comment above this suggested would be a great idea too, but youre killing it as it is so if you dont have time im sure we will all survive, haha!